Recipe > Chicken and Pineapple sausage

Chicken and Pineapple sausage

Ingredient Quantity(grams)
Chicken breast with skin450
Chicken thigh with skin450
Pineapple juice100
Brown sugar15

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Preparation > Chicken and Pineapple sausage

Chicken breast ground into 8mm disc
Thigh and drumstick ground on a 5mm disc
Pineapple chopped into 0.5cm cubes
Mix thigh, breast, pineapple juice, salt and sugar;
Let it rest for 12 hours in a refrigerated environment;
Add pineapple and ginger;
Mix well and stuff in natural pork casing;
Let it rest for 12 hours in a refrigerated environment;
Serve grilled or roasted within 48 hours.

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