Recipe > Brazilian cuiabana sausage

Brazilian cuiabana sausage

Ingredient Quantity(grams)
Hard cheese380
Pork fatback150
Parsley and chives10
Red pepper10
Minced garlic5
Powdered bay leaves3
Ground black pepper2.5

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Preparation > Brazilian cuiabana sausage

Cuiabana sausage, also known as Linguiça Cuiabana, is a traditional Brazilian sausage that originated in the region of Cuiabá, located in the state of Mato Grosso. It is a popular food item in Brazilian cuisine, particularly in the central-western region of Brazil.

- Cut the cheese into 0.5cm cubes;
- Cut the meat with a knife or grind to 8mm;
- Mix all ingredients except cheese;
- Mix the cheese and mix quickly so as not to knead;
- Place in the pork casing;
- Roast on the barbecue.

Linguiça Cuiabana 1
Recipe in portuguese: Linguiça Cuiabana 1

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