Receta > Kielbasa

Receta de Kielbasa

In english: Kielbasa
Em português: Kielbasa
En español: Kielbasa

Cantidad (gramos)
Ingrediente Cantidad (gramos)
Pierna de cerdo400
Grasa de cerdo rígida200
Sal con nitrito(6%)2.5
Pimienta negro2
Nuez de tierra1.5
Jengibre en polvo1
Ajo en polvo1

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Preparación > Kielbasa

Grind the meat and fat to 5mm;
Mix the meat with all the ingredients until it becomes sticky;
Let it rest for 24 hours in a refrigerated environment;
EPlace in the 60mm collagen casing;
With a needle, make holes to remove air;
Hang at 12°C and 80% humidity for 5 days;
Cold smoke for 72 hours;
Hang at 12°C and 80% humidity for another 10 days.

Recipe in portuguese: Kielbasa

Review Reviews: 4.0