Recipe > Spanish Chourizo salami

Spanish Chourizo salami

Em português: Salame Chourizo
En español: Chorizo español

Ingredient Quantity(grams)
Pork leg800
Pork fatback200
Cold Water50
Powdered milk30
Hot paprika7
Powdered garlic5
Starter culture(bacteria)0.2

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Preparation > Spanish Chourizo salami

Grind meat and fat with 8mm;
Mix all ingredients well until sticky;
Let it rest for 12 hours in a refrigerated environment;
Place in natural bovine or collagen casing;
Make holes (pricking) with a needle to remove air bubbles;
Let it ferment for 48 hours at room temperature;
Transfer to a dark environment, with a temperature close to 12ºC and humidity close to 80%;
The Cantimpalos Spanish Chorizo will be ready when it has lost 40% of its weight.

Salame Chourizo
Recipe in portuguese: Salame Chourizo

Review Reviews: 4.0