Recipe > Vienna sausage

Vienna sausage recipe

In english: Vienna sausage
Em português: Salsicha viena
En español: Salchicha de Viena

Ingredient Quantity(grams)
Pork leg300
Pork belly250
Cold Water100
Powdered garlic3
Sodium tripolyphosphate2.5
Sodium erythorbate2.5
Ground white pepper2
Onion flakes1
Liquid smoke1

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Preparation > Vienna sausage

Grind the meat twice separately from the fat into a fine disc;
Mix all the ingredients with your hands or with an orbital mixer until very sticky, about 5 minutes;
Embed in fine pork or sheep casing;
Twist every 15 cm and tie the ends well;
Cook in water at 75 degrees for 15 minutes.
Keep everything very cold throughout the process. If it gets too hot it can break the emulsion and the sausage will become brittle and gritty.

If you want a reddish color typical of commercial sausages, remove the casing from the sausage after cooking and immerse it in hot water with liquid annatto coloring.

Salsicha viena
Recipe in portuguese: Salsicha viena

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