Recipe > Bratwurst

Bratwurst sausage recipe

In english: Bratwurst
Em português: Bratwurst
En español: Bratwurst

Ingredient Quantity(grams)
Pork belly750
Pork neck250
Crushed ice200
Ground black pepper1
Powdered ginger0.5

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Preparation > Bratwurst

Add 1 egg white for every kg
Grind the meat separately from the fat into a fine disc;
Mix all the ingredients with your hands or with an orbital mixer until very sticky, about 5 minutes;
Place in thin pork or sheep casing;
Twist every 15 cm and tie the ends well;
Cook in water at 70 degrees for 15 minutes;
Keep everything very cold throughout the process. If it gets too hot it can break the emulsion and the sausage will become brittle and gritty.

Recipe in portuguese: Bratwurst

Review Reviews: 3.6