Recipe > Thai Chicken Sausage

Thai Chicken Sausage

Ingredient Quantity(grams)
Chicken thigh with skin600
Chicken breast with skin400
Fish sauce40
Green Curry Paste12.5
Fresh Coriander5
Minced garlic3
Ground black pepper2
Cayenne pepper1
Red pepper0.5

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Preparation > Thai Chicken Sausage

Cut the meat with a knife or grind to 8mm;
Mix all the ingredients;
Let it rest for 12 hours in a refrigerated environment;
Place in natural pork casing;
Let it rest for 12 hours in a refrigerated environment.
With a not very fine needle, make holes (pricking) in the casing to remove air bubbles (if any);
Ferment for 72 hours at 25°C and 90% humidity;
Hang at temperature 12°C and humidity 75%;
The product will be ready when it has lost between 35 and 40% of its initial weight.

Linguiça de Frango Tailandesa
Recipe in portuguese: Linguiça de Frango Tailandesa

Review Reviews: 3.9