Receta > Salchicha Mettwurst

Receta de Salchicha Mettwurst

Em português: Mettwurst Blumenau
En español: Salchicha Mettwurst

Cantidad (gramos)
Ingrediente Cantidad (gramos)
Pierna de cerdo800
Barriga de cerdo200
Sal con nitrito(6%)3
Glutamato monosódico0.5
granos de mostaza0.5
Ajo molido0.4

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Preparación > Salchicha Mettwurst

Refrigerate the meat well and grind to 3 mm.
Mix all ingredients, kneading until a homogeneous dough forms.
Place in the pork casing (28 - 32) in the shape of a horseshoe.
Hang and leave for 24 hours in a cool, airy place.
Cold smoke for 3 days.
It can be consumed immediately as a pâté, fried in oil, left to dry over time or refrigerated until it turns into salami.

Mettwurst Blumenau
Recipe in portuguese: Mettwurst Blumenau

Review Reviews: 3.9