Receta > Salchicha con miel

Receta de Salchicha con miel

In english: Honey Sausage
Em português: Linguiça com mel
En español: Salchicha con miel

Cantidad (gramos)
Ingrediente Cantidad (gramos)
Pierna de cerdo1000
Tripa de cerdo1
Jengibre en polvo0.5
Pimienta negro0.3
Nuez de tierra0.2

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Preparación > Salchicha con miel

Ground the meat into 8mm;
Use pork or sheep casing for cocktail size;
Soak the casing in warm water to soften them;
In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients. Use your hands to mix everything together thoroughly. Make sure the honey and spices are evenly distributed throughout the meat;
Stuff the meat mixture into the casings, making sure to avoid air pockets;
Twist or tie off the casings to form individual sausages, each about 3-4 inches long;
Grill on a barbecue;
Once cooked, let the sausages rest for a few minutes before serving. Enjoy your delicious honey-spiced sausages on their own, with mustard or in sandwiches.

Linguiça com mel
Recipe in portuguese: Linguiça com mel

Review Reviews: 4.4