Recipe > Beef and pork Italian salami

Beef and pork Italian salami

Ingredient Quantity(grams)
Pork shoulder500
Pork Belly200
Red wine100
Brown sugar10
Powdered garlic3
Ground nutmeg1
Ground black pepper1
Collagen casing 50 mm0.1

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Preparation > Beef and pork Italian salami

Grind the meat and fat into a coarse disc;
Mix all ingredients until sticky;
Place in large pork, bovine or collagen casings measuring 45mm or larger;
Punch out air bubbles;
Hang for 48 hours at an ideal temperature of 25ºC and 85% humidity;
Hang in a cold, humid environment until it loses 40% of its weight. Ideal temperature and humidity of 12ºC and 80%.

Salame Italiano Misto
Recipe in portuguese: Salame Italiano Misto

Review Reviews: 4.1