Recipe > Cooked ham with black olives

Cooked ham with black olives recipe

Ingredient Quantity(grams)
Pork leg1000
Brown sugar10
Black olives10
Liquid smoke4
Monosodium Glutamate2

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Preparation > Cooked ham with black olives

Cut two thirds of the meat into cubes;
Grind or chop a third of the meat very finely with a knife;
Mix, with your hands or in an orbital mixer, the meat and all other ingredients for 10 minutes;
Place in a ham pan and let rest for 24 hours;
Place the pan in water at 80ºC until the inside of the ham reaches 73ºC. Approximately one and a half hours;
Remove from hot water and place in ice water;
Leave 12 hours in the fridge before unmolding.

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