Recipe > Codeguin

Codeguin recipe. Codeguin is a sausage made with cooked pork skin, pork, fat and seasonings. Stuffed in pork casing and cooked in hot water. Once finished, it is generally used to prepare other dishes, such as beans.

In english: Codeguin
Em português: Codeguin
En español: Codeguin

Ingredient Quantity(grams)
Pork skin500
Pork leg400
Pork fatback100
Chopped scallion5
Minced garlic5
Ground black pepper3
Ground nutmeg3
Red pepper2

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Preparation > Codeguin

Cook the pork skin for 15 minutes in boiling water;
While the leather is still hot, grind it on an 8mm disc;
Mix the meat, fat, ground skin and all ingredients;
Embed in natural pork or beef casing, in the shape of a horseshoe;
Use it by boiling it in beans for 15 minutes or cooking it in water for 15 minutes. Alternatively, it is also possible to bake in a medium/low oven to avoid bursting.

Recipe in portuguese: Codeguin

Review Reviews: 4.1