Receta > Coppa

Receta de Coppa

In english: Capicola
Em português: Copa
En español: Coppa

Cantidad (gramos)
Ingrediente Cantidad (gramos)
Cuello de cerdo1000
Azúcar morena15
Sal con nitrito(6%) e nitrato(3%)2.5
Antioxidante (eritorbato)2
Ají picante2
Pimienta de Jamaica2
Humo liquido0.4
Cultivo iniciador (bacterias)0.1
hojas de colágeno0.1

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Preparación > Coppa

Mix all the ingredients and spread well over the meat;
Inside a closed plastic bag or container, leave it in the refrigerator for 15 days;
Wash the meat and dry it;
Dilute the starter culture in filtered water and spread it over the meat;
Pack in collagen film, beef bottom or wrap in dehydrated pork casing;
Place in a dark environment with a temperature close to 12ºC and humidity close to 80%;
Leave until you lose 40% of your weight.

Recipe in portuguese: Copa

Review Reviews: 3.8